Need FLOORING SpecialistS?

Our best specialists are available to help you

We pride ourselves on our knowledge and being able to find the best solution for your project.



An Epoxy Floor is easy to clean, easy to maintain, durable, hypoallergenic and seam-free, cost-effective, versatile and is a fresh alternative to carpet or tiles.


Polished concrete is the perfect solution to high traffic areas such as shops, cafes, and office space.


Concrete resurfacing involves resurfacing your existing concrete areas providing a fresh new look for your driveway, pool area, pergola or patio.


Our process of flooring demolition is not only fast and affordable, it is eco-friendly and keeps dust and other allergens from piling up in your home.


Certified Installers

We are trained on best practices and installation techniques based on industry standards for both new construction and replacement projects.

Outstanding Customer Service

Being Where Our Customers Are. We make sure that we respond a timely manner with our customers and listen to what they need help.

Free Onsite Estimate

We’re happy to come to your home (if you’d like), free of charge. This ensures a more accurate estimate and an opportunity to meet one of our amazing team members!

20+ Years of Expertise

We have over 20 years of experience in all phases of the commercial flooring industry.

From the best surface preparation to the highest quality materials and skilled installers, we have got your floor covered.


Our Partners

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What Our CLIENTS Say

This is why we do what we do. Hear our customers stories.

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Mike Wright
Irving, TX
Sed tale aeterno saperet ex. Placerat quaestio ea ius, eos vocent euismod ex, alia recusabo signiferumque pro no. Qui mel dictas erroribus. Eros ullum no est, ei nisl wisi ius. Bonorum expetenda et eum. Ius dolor inimicus.
Nancy Green
Houston, TX
Ad qui facete melius dolores. Elitr invidunt vix ex, agam convenire democritum an mel. Ad per autem dicta consul, te corpora nostrum consulatu quo. An doming quodsi usu, id vis unum facilisi, vivendo nonumes hendrerit.
Frances Lopez
Dallas, TX
Morbi in ipsum sit amet pede facilisis laoreet. Donec lacus nunc, viverra nec, blandit vel, egestas et, augue. Vestibulum tincidunt malesuada ultrices enim. Curabitur sit amet mauris. Morbi in dui quis est pulvinar facilisi.
Nick Smith
Phoenix, TX

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